Friday, May 9, 2008

Who am I? Robert Williams - Panic Attacks & Anxiety Disorder Counseler

Hey guys,

You all are probably wondering... who is this guy? Well, my name is Robert Williams, I'm 42 years old, and I am a Panic Attack & Anxiety Disorder Counseler. But not everyone can afford professional advice, which is why I decided to create this blog.

There are a lot of people who are suffering from this painful & stressful disorder, and what most do not know is how easily it can be self maintained with the proper knowledge. On this blog, I am going to post free information and advice on how you can relieve yourself of the stress and panic in your everyday life, and when it may be time that you do seek professional help.

Basically, in my free time I will be posting on here, responding to your comments & e-mails, and providing whatever free help I can. I have had a very blessed life, I enjoy what I do, and I find this a great way to help those who may be in dire need of it.

Feel free to drop me an e-mail anytime at :)

Until next time,

Robert Williams

Essential reads for anyone suffering from anxiety/panic attacks

Hey there,

Not everyone has the same level of anxiety. Some people's anxiety can be cured with simple breathing exercises, while other's require heavy medication. But the latter is generally only required in extreme cases. Did you know that 80% of people suffering from anxiety can live a near anxiety free life by knowing how to properly manage their disorder? This is why it is so important for all those effected to invest the time to educate themselves about their disorder. To find out how to manage it and live a normal, stress free life.

I'm going to show you guys my 3 most highly recommended readings. I recommend at least 1 of these 3 books to nearly all of my patients, and most have had remarkable success by implementing the strategies outlined in these books. Give them a look.

1. Panic Away - The Panic Away program is a revolutionary Panic Attack & Anxiety treatment system. It breaks down panic attacks and anxiety to their psychological rooting, leaving the patient with an easy to understand outline of exactly why they are experiencing these attacks. In my opinion, this book is the closest thing to a cure for anxiety & panic attacks that we have.

2. EasyCalm Video Coaching Anxiety Treatment - In my experience, I have found that this series is very effective with visual learners. Many anxiety sufferers find it comforting and calming to learn how to relieve their anxiety through watching a real person. It may sound strange, but I would definitely recommend giving this series a look, as it is quality and works extremely well with certain people.

3. Social Strategies - This is the quintessential book for people suffering from social anxiety. Do you feel awkward at gatherings? Feel like people think you are "weird"? There isn't much more to say about this book other than anyone suffering from social anxiety needs to read this book.

So that's it... For those of you who can't afford to seek professional treatment, the above 3 books are a necessary resource for you. It is vitally important to educate yourself and ensure you make wise choices that will not make your disorder worse.. And to learn what you can do to make things better.

Until next time,

Robert Williams

Do you need to seek professional help?

Hey guys,

I get a lot of e-mails from people asking when and how you can decide it is the right time to seek professional mental health. My thoughts on the matter below..

First and foremost, before you decide to seek the professional help of an anxiety psychologist it is in your best interest to learn and understand exactly what anxiety is. You must be sure that you have a good handle on the difference between fear and anxiety. When you experience fear, you do so because there is an actual threat to your safety, a rabid dog bearing its teeth at you, for example. When you experience anxiety, there is an imaginary or intangible threat to you. Anxiety is the worry that the rabid dog may jump out from every bush, no matter where you are.

If you think you are currently suffering from Generalized Anxiety Disorder, which is a constant and general sense of worry regardless of situation or need, then you might be a prime candidate to seek out the help of an anxiety psychologist. You may also want to get the help of such a psychologist if you experience panic attacks or even specified anxiety disorders such as agoraphobia or other social phobias. Anyone who does not seek professional help and is suffering from extreme anxiety can run the risk of developing more serious social anxiety disorders, which may become debilitating.

While most people who experience anxiety do not require the help of an anxiety psychologist many people do. The main determining factor between those who do require professional help and those that do not is whether or not the anxiety is a problem. If the anxiety is beginning to hinder one's lifestyle and disrupts day to day living, then it is a problem.

Once you have decided whether you need professional help to combat an anxiety problem, there is some groundwork to do to find a psychologist. First, you should discuss this with your family doctor. He or she will be able to determine whether your anxiety is a physiological issue or not, and then make recommendations. Before choosing a psychologist, you should conduct mini-interviews to determine if a particular therapist is right for you by including questions related to their experience, fees, insurance, methods, availability, and what you can expect.

Until next time,

Robert Williams